Residential Districts and Social Housing

The theme of the residence has occupied for many decades the design activity and energies of most architects.
A question, that of housing, that has evolved and has matured the belief that living cannot be addressed alone, can not be isolated from the rest of the city but rather, can express their potential at best only if associated with other activities, especially the collective ones, the only ones capable of generating new common spaces available to the inhabitants.
A theme, the residential one, that the Cecchetto&Associati has always inserted in the urban dynamics of the city, seizing as much as possible all the opportunities that the urban context is able to offer.
As in Trento, in the urban expansion towards the edge of the Adige, where the project includes a public park of regional interest and multiple pedestrian connections with the historic center. Or as in Switzerland in Locarno, where the new houses become an urban “dowel” capable of enhancing and repairing the waterfront of the long lake straddling the historic center and expansion of the twentieth century.