
Cecchetto & Associati was born in Venice from the experience of the architect Alberto Cecchetto together young architects and researchers with different international experiences.
The firm explores various themes of design at different scales, through the decoding and recomposition of the morphological elements of the architecture of places and landscape. Preferring complex projects, which range between the urban and the architectural scale, able to establish a unique and convincing relationship with the place.

The wide range of design experiments with more than 70 architectural projects, which apply to various themes and types of intervention: related to tourism, hospitality and living: luxury hotels, business and commercial centers, sports centers, museums, auditorium, cellars, terminal, housing and residences. Most architectural projects propose the reuse of existing buildings, often bound, in historical contexts of particular value.
Many are the qualifying experiences of Cecchetto&Associati in urban planning and urban design, which have produced more than 40 floors, including Regulatory Plans, Masterplan, Implementation Plans, Large Area Plans, Districts and Strategic, for Italian and foreign cities and territories, including non-European.
An articulated and complex approach to design, which has in the redevelopment of places and environment its unifying, characterizing element.

The Cecchetto&Associati offices are located in Venezia Mestre, in via Torino 107. Six hundred square meters organized in multiple spaces that host different activities: secretarial,work openspace, two private offices and two meeting rooms with interactive screens. The studio is also equipped with a laboratory for plastics and 3d printing, as well as technical rooms for printing, reproduction and servers. Part of the study is dedicated to research and sociality with a cafeteria space where to meet in breaks/lunch and tea-Times and a workshop space where to carry out experimental activities dealing with exhibitions, competitions, research activities and editorial initiatives.